Now I have until September to grow a pair and get used to the fact that my baby is OLD ENOUGH FOR SCHOOL - when did that happen??? Even if it is only 2 half-days a week. And yes, this whole thing was my idea but I'm still giving myself permission to have mixed emotions about it. God help me when she goes to
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Preschool: Part 2
Now I have until September to grow a pair and get used to the fact that my baby is OLD ENOUGH FOR SCHOOL - when did that happen??? Even if it is only 2 half-days a week. And yes, this whole thing was my idea but I'm still giving myself permission to have mixed emotions about it. God help me when she goes to
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Not so fashion forward
Neon: Let's face it. As cute as skinny models might make it seem in pseudo-reality, eye-squint inducing yellow shouldn't be anyone's signature color. Especially mine.
Nature Prints: Really? I think I wore one of these dresses to my Middle School graduation. I guess I should never attempt to clean my closet out. It'll be back on the pages of In Style the second I do.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Ahh, four year olds...
4 yr old - "Do you have a baby in your tummy?"
Me - "No, but I'm glad I got up at 6:00 a.m. for that gym workout today. Clearly it's paying off." (Sighs, eats cookie)
4 yr old - "Does Audrey still drink milk out of your boobies?"
Me - "No, but I miss those boobies."
4 yr old - "Why are you watching me poop*?"
Me - "Oh, sorry, I thought maybe you needed some help." I start walking out of the bathroom, then I hear, "Where are you going?! I want you to watch me poop!" and I'm walking back into the bathroom...
*Yes, I realize an obscene number of my posts mention the word "poop" and this is probably costing us 1.5 of our 2 blog readers - sorry. On the flip side it's bringing us some new blog readers that Google freaky things having to do w/poop. No, I am not obsessed with poop - swearsies - but all this talk of poop could explain why I have no friends.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Bear of a Bathtime
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Disney clothing sale at Amazon - plus extra 25% off!
Happy shopping :)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Northern Exposure

Thursday, February 9, 2012
When Did I Turn Old Enough...
Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Anal Stage
So now I'm trying to figure out what the heck to do about it. They don't really cover this stuff in the baby books. Ride it out? Smile at random strangers who are horrified that my child has her hand in her butt? It's not really something you want to bring up with your still-new mom acquaintances. I can imagine that conversation would go something like this:
Me: "So...does Jack walk around with his hand stuffed down his pants and jammed in his butt crack all day long? He doesn't? Oh. Um, Audrey doesn't either. I was just kidding. (awkward pause). Yup, totally kidding!"
After that little convo I probably wouldn't even have "acquaintances." So I'd like to nip this one in the
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Some reading from the past
I’m a little behind on my internet reading. Oh well. It’s hard enough for me to get through the whole (and very essential) red carpet “Do’s and Don’ts” lineup on E! Online's award season recap (I've got priorities, people!) – so sometimes reading the news takes back burner.
So anyway, I came across this article from Today Moms on moms judging other moms. Felt it was worth sharing because it rang pretty true to me. We all do it to some extent and probably shouldn't unless you’re one of those moms who, you know, deserve to be judged for putting up videos of your kid smoking crack for all the world to see or something like that. I kid, I kid. Ok, not really.
Reading this article brought me back to the early days with T, when I brought him to Target on a less-than-perfect baby day because I was in desperate need of a can opener momma just needed to get out of the house. The second we stepped into the store he started crying (and man, did he have a set of pipes) and didn’t let up. Enter the helpful totally annoying old man and his wife in line behind me at the checkout who tsk’ed tsk’ed the whole time at the horrid new mother in front of them whose baby was so unhappy. “He’s hungry, you know” is what the old guy said to me. I think I just said something lame in response back like “Oh.” (always good with the comebacks under pressure, this gal!) but had all sorts of responses I wanted to shout at him. “Oh? Am I supposed to feed him? They didn’t tell me that in the hospital.” I seethed to myself, to my hubby, and to anyone that would listen to me (over T’s screams, of course) that he had no right to offer up unsolicited advice like that to me. It was a judgment on my parenting – and as a brand-spankin’ new parent, I was already judging my abilities left and right. Rest assured, rude old dude, you were wrong.
I’m a whole lot more seasoned as a parent these days but I still judge my parenting skills enough that I promise I don’t need anyone else to do it for me. (“Am I telling him “no” the right way to indicate both love and sternness?” “Have I shown him his belly button enough times today for him to learn it’s there?” “Is it OK to tinkle when holding him if he won’t let me put him down?” Ok, the last one's a little weird, but it really does cross my mind when it happens...and yea, it's happened more than once.)
So my public service announcement of the day? Lay off the judgey-ness moms! (Said sternly, non-judgmentally, and with love of course)