Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Preschool: Part 2

So, preschool update - we got in!  Yes, we fought the masses and got Audrey a spot.  Actually, the hubs spent the night in the school parking lot for 10 hours when we realized people were lining up at 9:30 p.m. THE NIGHT BEFORE to register (seriously people??) and we officially joined the crazies.  Before you think I'm a terrible wife for making him do that, I will add that I did offer to spend the night in the parking lot myself.  However, the hubs kindly pointed out that I could be jumped/car-jacked/attacked while alone in a parking lot all night and even though I didn't think that was very likely, all I could think about after that was being jumped/car-jacked/attacked - so I stayed home.  And I wasn't totally let off the hook.  Audrey likes to wake up at 2:30 a.m. on the dot every night and scream bloody-murder-someone-is-breaking-into-my-room-to-kidnap-me for about 10 minutes, so, I dealt with that instead.

Now I have until September to grow a pair and get used to the fact that my baby is OLD ENOUGH FOR SCHOOL - when did that happen???  Even if it is only 2 half-days a week.  And yes, this whole thing was my idea but I'm still giving myself permission to have mixed emotions about it.  God help me when she goes to college kindergarten.

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